Tuesday, 7 December 2021

8 Reasons Modular Furniture Is The Future Of Indian Offices?


The desk you sat at last week was nothing like the one you sit at this week. If we extrapolate, desks and workstations will be designed for specific and unique tasks and not remain the same for years. This is what makes  Modular Furniture In Mumbai  a growing trend in Indian companies today.

Automation of workplaces has a lot of potential to support the need for dynamic workspaces. Modular furniture benefits companies in many ways:

1. FLEXIBILITY : One size does not fit all when it comes to furniture at work spaces. Imagine you're going on leave; someone else will be sitting at your desk and they might have different needs than you do. These are easy issues to deal with in modular furniture, unlike traditional workstations which are inflexible to changes in employee roles and responsibilities.

2. LESS RISK : One of the main reasons given for not investing in automation is that they tend to break down more often than they should, hence increasing maintenance costs. An automated system is always going to break down more often than a human, but the point is that they need not break down as often as they do if the technology was built properly.


3. BUDGET FRIENDLY : This flexibility reduces costs of acquisition and maintenance of furniture which makes it an attractive option for companies looking to cut costs.


4. SAVES TIME : Modular furniture is designed not just to use space more effectively but also meant for easy dismantling and installation. This contributes to faster workflow with minimal disruption of the work environment. So, if you're looking at a break/lunch, getting it over with is easier than tearing down your workspace and setting it up again.


5. ECO-FRIENDLY : When you're not stuck behind your desk, you tend to take better care of the office environment. If employees are more active, they will also find it easier to dispose off waste paper and other materials properly unlike when they're seated at desks all day long.


6. HEALTHIER : A study conducted by the University of Sydney found that people who worked at a desk for eight hours had decreased memory and brain function. People who worked without a break or stood up regularly were likely to perform better than those confined to their chairs. A medical study showed prolonged sitting caused obesity, diabetes and heart disease among many things. Standing up can give you a better work-life balance.

7. STUDIO APARTMENTS : Modular Furniture In Mumbai can be used to create spaces that are privacy-centric while allowing people to work together in office environments, thus creating studio apartments for employees who seek privacy.

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